Strong in Community 

October’s theme
Covenant: The Practice of Traveling Together

“This is the church of the open mind, this is the church of the helping hands, this is

Today’s story was “Bundle of Sticks“, a folk tale that reminds us that we are stronger when we are together.

the church of the loving heart.

Together we care for our earth and work for friendship and peace in our world.”

These are the words that we recite each week when we light our chalice. When we say them, we are reminded of our promises to help one another, to make space for all that each of us brings into our community, and to let our light shine out into the world.

And when we say these words together, hopefully, we are reminded that when we do this work together we are so much stronger; that what might be possible is so much greater than what we could do on our own.

Children lit candles, shared a stone, and wrote notes to honor the people, pets, and events in their lives that they carry in their hearts.

Today, our children practiced being in a community by making space for others to share what is most present in their hearts and minds, and then they worked together to create birthday bags for children at Solid Ground, an effort to supply all the things that a family might need to have a birthday party for their child: cake mix, candles, frosting, plates, decorations and gifts– all donations that came from people in our church community.


Our children worked together to sort donations, decorate bags, and create cards of care with birthday blessings inside of them. We did this all together, because that is what makes us strong.

Question for home: How do our communities make us stronger?

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