Summer Programs Begin!

IMG_20150614_113921741Our Summer Religious Education Programs are off to an exciting start!

Preschoolers learned about our chalice symbol through story and craft as a part of our Spirit Play curriculum. What does our chalice symbol mean to you?

Our Kindergarten through 6th graders experienced the Magic of Hogwarts as they crafted their wands and created artwork using their very own quills.IMG_20150614_105818176

We are looking forward to sorting into Hogwarts Houses next Sunday. Did you know that wizards are sorted into houses based on their character strengths? Each and every witch and wizard has a gift that makes them uniquely wonderful. You can even take a quiz to find out which house you belong in! But of course, remember that the sorting hat always takes into consideration the wishes of each witch and wizard.

This week our youth also kicked off their summer program called “Dig In” by making and sharing breakfast together. Throughout the summer they will continue to create and learn together about sustainable food sources and our environment.

Many thanks to all of the volunteers who helped make today’s programming a success!

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